Wiki Article
thanaji, Shatrunjay Giriraj Apartments, c/704,
New Mill Rd, Ambedkar Nagar, Kurla West, Kurla,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400070
eventzgraph is a social and corporate party
organiser, it has organised events like Alumni of education institutes of
abroad,Public relation events,product launch events ,conference meeting
arrangments, Logistics and more over it has also organised many birthday parties
and destination weddings.
The working strategy is very systematic and
structured, they have a high skilled staff who with thier dedication make the
event very successful.
eventzgraph understands the emotions and
sentiments attached towards the functions organised by the client,so taking the
sole responsibility people and staff and team in Eventzgraph work accordingly.
Eventzgraph are best birthday party organisers in
mumbai and corporate party planners in mumbai.
eventzgraph has worked with many international
Birthday Party organiser in mumbai
corporate Party Organiser in mumbai
Public relation party organiser in mumbai
best event organiser in mumbai
best Wedding organiser in mubai
best conference organiser in mumbai
best Stage Decorator in mumbai
best product launch organiser in mumbai
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